The Bangladesh Flag

The Bangladesh Flag
Meaning: Green stands for the beautiful green land of Bangladesh and the red stands for the people who gave blood and life fighting for Bangladesh

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Top 10's

1. Best Books about Bangladesh:

1. Bangladesh- Mikey Leung
2. Bangladesh: Politics, Economy, and Civil Society- David Lewis
3. Lonely Planet Bangladesh- Stuart Butler
4. A History of Bangladesh- Willem Van Schendel
5. Rickshaw Girl- Mitali Perkins
6. Understanding Bagladesh- S. Mahmud Ali
7. Women, War, and the Making of Bangladesh: Remembering 1971- Yasmin Saikia
8. Reshaping the Holy: Democracy, Development, and Muslim Women in Bangladesh- Elora Shehabuddin
9. Bangladesh: The Next Afghangistan?- Hiranmay Karlekar
10. Bangladesh- B.L.C. Johnson

2. Best Movies about Bangladesh:

1. A Kind of Childhood
2. Concert for Bangladesh
3. Water Wars
4. Bangladesh- An Appeal for Solidarity
5. Between the Tides
6. The Invisible People: Water's Edge
7. A River Called Titas
8. Bangladesh Royalty Free Stock Footage
9. The Hoolock Gibbons of Bangladesh: Grasping The Last Branch
10. Audrey Hepburn: In Her Own Words

3. Best academic articles relating to Bangladesh:

1. Fighting poverty with microcredit: experience in Bangladesh
2. Groundwater arsenic calamity in Bangladesh-
3. Contamination of drinking-water by arsenic in Bangladesh: a public health emergency
4. Sex bias in the family allocation of food and health care in rural Bangladesh
5. Who takes the credit? Gender, power, and control over loan use in rural credit programs in Bangladesh
6. The impact of group-based credit programs on poor households in Bangladesh: does the gender of participants matter?
7. Arsenic mobility and groundwater extraction in Bangladesh
8. Rural credit programs and women's empowerment in Bangladesh
9. Longitudinal studies of infectious diseases and physical growth of children in rural Bangladesh
10. The economic activities of children in a village in Bangladesh

4. Best images that help you understand Bangladesh:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Current news in Bangladesh This article covers a disappearance/kidnapping of an important Politician.
"The abductions of an opposition politician and his driver last month have sparked Bangladesh's biggest crisis in years, raised hostilities between the most prominent leaders of its fragile democracy and highlighted dozens of seemingly political disappearances.
The opposition has blamed the government, launched nationwide strikes and fought with police in street clashes that have killed five people and injured scores. Homemade bombs have exploded on the streets of Dhaka, including one inside a compound housing government ministries. The government has charged 44 top opposition leaders in connection with the violence."
This article covers the devastating floods and cyclones that have destroyed Bangladesh and have left the people feelings helpless and hopeless.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

MDG Progress Report for Bangladesh-2011

Millennial Development Goals:

1. Halve the proportion of poor people
2. Halve the proportion of hungry people
3. Ensure that boys and girls can complete primary schooling
4. Eliminate gender disparity
5. Reduce under-five mortality rates
6. Reduce the maternal mortality ratio
7. Reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS
8. Reverse the incidence of Malaria and TB
9. Integrate sustainable development into country policies
10. Access to safe water and basic sanitation
11. Improve the lives of slum dwellers
12. Develop a non-discriminatory trading and financial system
13. Address the special needs of the LDC's
14. Deal comprehensively with the debt of developing countries
15. Strategies for decent and productive work for youth
16. Proved access to affordable, essential drugs
17. Make available the benefits of new technologies

"Flat World"

Bangladesh functions as a "Globalization 2.0" Country

# of people with access to internet: 5,776,383
Percentage of the entire population with access to internet: 3.7%