The Bangladesh Flag

The Bangladesh Flag
Meaning: Green stands for the beautiful green land of Bangladesh and the red stands for the people who gave blood and life fighting for Bangladesh

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

MDG Progress Report for Bangladesh-2011

Millennial Development Goals:

1. Halve the proportion of poor people
2. Halve the proportion of hungry people
3. Ensure that boys and girls can complete primary schooling
4. Eliminate gender disparity
5. Reduce under-five mortality rates
6. Reduce the maternal mortality ratio
7. Reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS
8. Reverse the incidence of Malaria and TB
9. Integrate sustainable development into country policies
10. Access to safe water and basic sanitation
11. Improve the lives of slum dwellers
12. Develop a non-discriminatory trading and financial system
13. Address the special needs of the LDC's
14. Deal comprehensively with the debt of developing countries
15. Strategies for decent and productive work for youth
16. Proved access to affordable, essential drugs
17. Make available the benefits of new technologies

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